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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Understanding Acne Scars To Treat Them And Restore A Fair Look Once Again! -SHARE THIS

This acne scar is not an ordinary scar. It has a “S” & “Car” in it. Firstly you have to see what “model” is your sCAR. The cost of treatment for certain types of scars is very costly. Therefore, before committing to treatment of acne scars, you should have a frank  discussion with your dermatologist, in all the aspects. As, terminating the scar treatment at an incomplete stage, may be counter-productive for you.

Acne scars are treated in several stages based on the type of scar. They are like the episodes of a TV serial. Some stage of the story is covered in every episode, and a deliberate suspense is created at the ending. Here, the dermatologist may not deliberately try to keep you in suspense, but after completion of every stage, it is natural for you to have your quota of suspense, “Will this scar fully heal?”

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Natural Treatments for Arthritis



Dr. Richardson, in his lectures on alcohol, given both in England and America, speaking of the action of this substance on the blood after passing from the stomach, says:

"Suppose, then, a certain measure of alcohol be taken into the stomach, it will be absorbed there, but, previous to absorption, it will have to undergo a proper degree of dilution with water, for there is this peculiarity respecting alcohol when it is separated by an animal membrane from a watery fluid like the blood, that it will not pass through the membrane until it has become charged, to a given point of dilution, with water. It is itself, in fact,  so greedy for water, it will pick it up from watery textures, and deprive them of it until, by its saturation, its power of reception is exhausted , after which it will diffuse into the current of circulating fluid."

It is this power of absorbing water from every texture with which alcoholic spirits comes in contact, that creates the burning thirst of those who freely indulge in its use. Its effect, when it reaches the circulation, is thus described by Dr. Richardson:

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The 10 Healthiest Foods

Another great food that should be included in the top 10 healthiest foods is the lemon. Again, lemons

are a great source of Vitamin C, and there is evidence that shows they could reduce a person's chances of developing cancer.

Salmon is another great food because of the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids it contains to help with heart health, and walnuts should be included for the same reason. Plus, both foods are great sources of protein.

Milk would definitely make the list of the 10 healthiest foods, even though it is not really a food at all, simply because of the calcium it provides. There are also links between calcium intake and weight loss.

Avocados are also a great food that should make the list, because they are a great source of dietary fiber and help with the absorption of such nutrients as beta-carotene. Avocados are also shown to reduce cholesterol.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Understanding Acne and its Devastating Results - SHARE THIS

There are many days that get started off with a frightful scream or heartbreaking dismay from both men and women. The source of this shock and disappointment is an inflamed greasy and oily clogged up skin pore. 

Acne is an unwelcome blemish on anyone's face; it can be quite painful too.  If left untreated, acne can leave an unpleasant scar on the face, neck or back. Unlike the common pimple, acne can be inflamed and possibly turn out to be infected.

Hormones that go into overdrive during the teen years of a person cause acne, they produce an excess of oil deposits in the glands resulting to this skin blemish. While they are not particularly life threatening or are they extremely painful and disturbing they can leave permanent scars in the affected area. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

5 Steps to Successful Self-Hypnosis


In this step you need to consider what you want vs. what you don’t want and you need to be able to
distinguish between the form and the essence.

Instead on focusing on what you don’t want, it’ important to focus on WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE to experience instead, because your subconscious mind says “YES” to whatever you focus upon. If you don’t want illness focus on perfect health, if you don’t want lack, focus on abundance, if you don’t want to experience stress, focus on experiencing peace, etc.

Sometimes people focus on the “form” (the physical thing instead on the “essence”
(the feeling they would like to experience). If you desire to create or attract a specific thing into your life, ask yourself what feeling do you believe this thing would give you.
By focusing on the “essence” of what you want, you expand your options.

You may find that there are many other ways to experience that desired feeling even now, and by experiencing that feeling now, you further open yourself to attract the thing you desire.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


 One fact attendant on habitual drinking stands out so prominently that none can call it in question. It is that of the steady growth of appetite. There are exceptions, as in the action of nearly every rule; but the almost invariable result of the habit we have mentioned, is, as we have said, a steady growth of appetite for the stimulant imbibed. That this is in consequence of certain morbid changes in the physical condition produced by the alcohol itself, will hardly be questioned by any one who has made himself acquainted with the various functional and organic derangements which invariably follow the continued introduction of this substance into the body.

But it is to the fact itself, not to its cause, that we now wish to direct your attention. The man who is satisfied at first with a single glass of wine at dinner, finds, after awhile, that appetite asks for a little more; and, in time, a second glass is conceded. The increase of desire may be very slow, but it goes on surely until, in the end, a whole bottle will scarcely suffice, with far too many, to meet its imperi

HOW TO: Get Rid of Bad Breath INSTANTLY!


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Pregnancy Nutrition to Help Control Weight Gain -Share This

When you are pregnant, you aren’t just catering to your needs – you must always keep your baby’s needs in mind as well. The health of both you and your baby will depend on a number of choices that you will make.

Nutrition during your pregnancy is very important because you are eating for both you and your baby. To meet the increased demands during pregnancy you need around 20 grams of extra protein and 300 Kcal of energy every day. You can easily meet your energy needs by eating more complex carbohydrates.

During your pregnancy, you require more energy for the baby to grow properly. You also need more folic acid, Vitamin B12, and iron for production of blood and muscles. Protein is very important to the baby’s muscle and tissue development. You also need extra protein for your muscles. You will also need additional calcium so that your baby’s teeth and bones properly develop. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Hypnosis Weight Loss: Some Ways to Stop the Weighting

Hypnosis Weight Loss: Some Ways to Stop the Weighting

Controlling your weight and avoiding weight gain as you get older are important ways to prevent a host of weight-related health problems.

Indeed, if you are more than 20 pounds over your ideal weight, you are at greater risk for a rogues’ gallery of potentially deadly conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, endometrial cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, and breast cancer.

What’s more, most people who are overweight tend to avoid exercise, and that avoidance just adds to the toll paid for extra pounds.

