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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fat Burning Secrets SECRET#3 – BUILD MUSCLES

Muscle keeps you metabolism active and burning calories. Adding muscle
improves your body fat composition ratio.  Muscles are an active tissue that continually renews itself so it always needs calories. While normal cardio burns fat only during the exercise, weight training builds muscle ensuring body fat continues to burn throughout the day. The main source of energy for muscles is fat. So, even when relaxing or sleeping, you continue to burn calories. The more muscle mass on your frame the more positive effect on your metabolism. To avoid your metabolism from getting sluggish and packing on fat it is important to do weight resistant exercises to build muscle. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Best Acne Treatments Start With Understanding Your Current Lifestyle - SHARE THIS

If you happen to be searching for the best acne treatments, before you choose your treatment I would suggest that you take a little memory trip back to your teen years, and assess how your skin used to be back

For individuals still in their teens, I would recommend that you check and see what is going on in your life right now, and see what may be different or has changed prior to you having your problem skin!

I know most of you may think that it’s all part of nature, or it’s part of your family genetics, and you would like to find that miracle cure! However, the true problem may exist because of your lifestyle choices, and until you fully understand why you’re currently experiencing severe blemish breakouts, or increased blackheads in your pores, you can then follow the cycle of your consistent outbreaks that cause you to feel helpless in your battle.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Importance of Warming Up Before Exercise

Since a lot of people are involved in physical exercises, it is imperative that the importance of warming up
before any strenuous activity should be discussed. Many have repeatedly ignored going through the warm up stage before working out, not knowing the consequences in doing so.

Why warm up? Several changes takes place in the body once physical activity is initiated. A person's respiratory rate, blood flow, and oxygen and nutrient levels delivered to the cells increases. The rate of increase should be regulated in a steady pace to prepare the body for the physical stress that exercise will demand. If one foregoes this priming procedure, the body will function less efficiently and the workout will produce less quality results. Warming up preps up the nervous system, heightens mental awareness and alertness, and loosens up joints and muscles to make them less prone to injuries. Warm ups jump starts the fluid located in the joints, minimizing the risk for wear and tear of the muscles. It gives the heart a suitable period to adjust and pump up blood and nutrients into muscles.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Why Losing Weight is Good

Why Losing Weight is Good

There is a great benefit acquired from losing weight.  Though losing weight is not easy,  the long term effects brought by it would probably be of help to anyone considering to shed those unwanted and unhealthy pounds. 

The following are a few of the remarkable advantages from losing those excess weight.

Weight loss prevents high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke

That is a three in one benefit from losing weight.  It is a fact that heart disease and stroke are one of the primary reasons for disability and death in both men and women in the US.  People who are overweight have a higher risk to have high levels of cholesterol in their blood stream as well as triglycerides (also known as blood fat). 

Angina, one type of heart disease, could cause chest pains as well as a decrease in the oxygen pumped to the heart. 

Sudden death also occurs from heart disease and stroke, and usually this strikes with very little warning, signs and   symptoms.

It is a fact that by decreasing your weight by a mere five to ten percent, this could positively decrease the chances of you having or developing heart disease or a stroke.  Plus, how your heart functions would also improve as well as your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride count will decrease.

Weight loss prevents type 2 diabetes

Diabetes puts in jeopardy one’s life as well as how one leads his or her life because of the complications that result from having it.  Both types of diabetes, type one and type two are linked with being overweight.  To those who already have diabetes, regular exercise and losing weight could help in controlling your blood sugar levels as well as the medication you may be currently taking.  Increase your physical activity.  You could simply walk, jog or dance.  It helps get those blood streams moving as well as lose those unnecessary pounds.

Weight loss helps reduce your risk for cancer

Being overweight is linked with a number of kinds of cancer.  Specially for women, the common types of cancer that is associated with being overweight include cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, ovary, breast, and colon.  This is not meant to scare you, this is only to keep you informed.  Men are at risk too from developing cancer if they are overweight.  These include  cancer of the colon, prostate and rectum.  Extra weight, a diet high in fat and cholesterol should as much as possible be avoided. 

Weight loss reduces sleep apnea

Or it could eliminate it all together.  Sleep apnea is a condition wherein one could temporarily stop breathing for a brief period and then would continue to snore heavily.  Sleep apnea could cause drowsiness or sleepiness during the day and – because of being overweight – could result in heart failure.  Shedding those excess pounds could help in eliminating this problem.

Weight loss reduces the pain of osteoarthritis

When one weighs heavily, the joints of  his or her knees, hips and lower back would have to exert double – if not triple – effort to carry him or her through out his / her waking, walking and moving life.  This could cause tension and stress on these joints.  Weight loss decreases the load these joints carry thus decreasing – if not eliminating – the pain of one who has osteoarthritis.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020



And here, in order to give those who are not familiar with, the process of digestion, a clear idea of that important operation, and the effect produced when alcohol is taken with food, we quote from the lecture of an English physician, Dr. Henry Monroe, on "The Physiological Action of Alcohol." He says:

"Every kind of substance employed by man as food consists of sugar, starch, oil and glutinous matters, mingled together in various proportions; these are designed for the support of the animal frame. The glutinous principles of food  fibrine, albumen  and  casein  are employed to build up the structure; while the  oil, starch  and  sugar  are chiefly used to generate heat in the body.

Saturday, April 11, 2020



Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of internal organs through an abnormal opening in the wall of the
cavity.A combination of increased pressure inside the body with weakness in the wall is responsible for this condition.In this condition internal organs or parts of organs are protruded out forming a swelling which will increase the size with coughing and lifting weight,and while passing stool and urine.In lying down position the swelling goes inside except in strangulated and irreducible hernia.


1, Weakness in the body wall:--

a) Congenital weakness.

b) Acquired weakness due to injuries,wasting of muscles,suppurative lesions in the wall and presence of weak natural openings,obesity,lack of exercise,repeated pregnancy.

c) Surgical operation with improper suturing or sepsis of operated site.

2) Increased pressure inside the body.
a) Chronic constipation.

b) Recurrent cough.

c) Weight lifting.

d) Stricture of urethra.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Homoeopathy is a system of medicine introduced by a german physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann.He
was basically an allopathic doctor who has left the practise because of side effects and temporary relief of symptoms of allopathy.For his bread and butter he started translating the medical books to different languages.While he was translating cullen's materia medica he came across a herbal medicine called cinchona.It was written that cinchona can cure malaria and it can also produce symptoms similar to malaria on healthy individuals.This point clicked hahnemann's brain and he prepared an extract of cinchona bark and taken himself.To his surprise he developed some symptoms of malaria like chills and achings.He started doing the same experiment on different individuals and the result was the same.


The nails are present at the end of each finger tip on the dorsal surface.The main function of nail is protection and it also helps for a firm grip for holding articles.It consists of a strong relatively flexible keratinous nail plate originating from the nail matrix. Under the nail plate there is a soft tissue called nail bed.Between the skin and nail plate there is a nail fold or cuticle.Normal healthy nail is slight pink in colour and the surface is convex from side to side.Finger nails grow 1 cm in three months and toe nails take 24 months for the same.

Importance of nails in disease diagnosis:

The colour ,appearance,shape and nature of the nails give some information about the general health and hygiene of a person . Nails are examined as a routine by all doctors to get some clues about underlying diseases.Just looking at nails we can makeout the hygiene of a person.The abnormal nail may be congenital or due to some diseases.The cause for changes in the nail extend from simple reasons to life threatening diseases.Hence the examination by a doctor is essential for diagnosis .Some abnormal findings with probable causes are discussed here for general awareness.

Saturday, April 4, 2020


What is piles ?

Dilatation of radicles of rectal veins within the anal canal is called piles.The medical term for piles is
hemorrhoids.Compared to arteries veins are weak due to thin walls and hence any backpressure in the veins can make them tortuous.There are three rectal veins namely superior, middle and inferior rectal veins.Any obstructions or increase of pressure in these veins can predispose piles.

Depending upon the situation there are two types of piles.

1) External piles.         2) Internal piles.

1) External piles:-

This type of piles is seen outside the anal opening and is covered by skin.It is black or brown in colour.This type of piles is very painful due to rich nerve supply in this area.

2) Internal piles:-

Thursday, April 2, 2020

A better “help-sleep” drug

Have you been tossing and rolling in bed lately? Staring endlessly in the ceiling till the wee hours of the
morning while counting sheep? Then you are suffering from sleeping disorder or insomnia. Insomnia can also be defined as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, waking up too early, or waking up feeling worn out. Almost everyone has brief encounters with insomnia. Studies show that about 10% of Americans suffer from insomnia.

Though there are really no concrete causes of insomnia. Experts claim that conditions that may cause it may vary from person to person. Health factors such as heart ailment, sleep apnea, asthma can result in insomnia for some individuals. While environmental factors like a simple sound, an uncomfortable mattress or pillow may cause a difference in the sleep patterns for a few. Diet also plays a role in the development of insomnia. Excess caffeine or food consumed close to bedtime may affect the quality of sleep. Other reasons of insomnia are anxiety, depression, and stress. Be sure to evaluate yourself of the factors mentioned if you are having difficulty in your sleep. However these episodes of sleeplessness usually last for a few nights and the sleep pattern returns to its normal. This happens when the cause of the sleep disturbance is settled. If an individual suffer from insomnia for a month or more, treatment is required to restore the sleeping pattern back to normal


Prostate is a glandular organ present only in males.  It surrounds the neck of bladder & the first part of urethra and condributes a secretion to the semen. The gland is conical in shape and measures 3 cm in vertical diameter and 4 cm in transverse diameter.It has got five lobes anterior,posterior,two lateral and a median lobe.Since  the first part of the urethra pass through it any lesion in the prostate will produce difficulty in passing urine.

Diseases of the prostate gland:-

1) Prostatitis:-

This is the inflamation of the prostate gland due to bacterial infection.

2) Benign enlargement of the prostate:-

This is a non cancerous tumour of  the prostate seen after the age of 50.  3,Cancer of the prostate:-This is the 4th most common cause of death from malignant diseases in males.

