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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

3 D's of sleeping pills

After reading this, I hope you can still sleep well. Sleep-inducing medicines, popularly known  as   Sleep deprivation is such a difficult condition to have since it literally zaps a person's energy to do the more important things in life, at work and at home.  Specifically, it is used by chronic insomniacs who desperately need to get that well-deserved rest.  Insomniacs often flip over the hundreds of cable channels each night hoping to get tired enough to sleep.  For them, it does not matter if they sleep in from of the t.v. as long as they do get to sleep eventually.  But t.v. surfing loses its effectiveness after a few nights, leaving the insomniac up and awake the whole night, and, yes, bone-weary the next morning. Manic workloads, job-related stresses, and the ever-toxic idea of work itself leaves a person with no other option but to trust the “fast” relief. Studies show that people who are prone to stress and other everyday worries are the ones who would most likely resort to the use of sleeping pills.  Other studies, however, also show that long-term use of sleeping pills could cause unwanted side effects or health problems.  People who often take refuge or rely mostly on these sedatives are more prone to negative effects and even life-threatening situations as:
sleeping pills, have a reputation of helping people get some peace and quiet at night.

Healthy Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is something we all have to do, even
though choosing the right foods can be very hard
indeed.  To assist you with your healthy grocery
shopping, the tips below can indeed help make things
easier than ever before:

1.  Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach.

2.  Select canned fruits and tuna that are packed in
water, not oil or syrup.

3.  Look at the labels for the words "hydrogenated"
or "partially hydrogenated".  The earlier you see
them appear on the list, the higher the amount of
unhealthy trans fatty acids the food will contain.

4.  Don't buy turkey with the skin on it, and if
you plan to buy chicken - buy a chicken breast

Saturday, July 20, 2019


Eating the right food will kick your metabolism into high gear and help you
burn unwanted fat. Combine fat burning foods with these fat boosters to push your metabolism into overdrive.

Tiny mustard seeds are packed with nutrition including: the amino acid tryptophan, omega 3 fatty acids, selenium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, calcium, iron, niacin and zinc. They even have a bit of protein and fiber. The spicy Asian and Mexican varieties temporarily speed up the metabolism like ephedrine or caffeine in a safe, natural way. Adding spicy mustard delivers zest to your food and a nice fat loss boost.

Onions are aromatic, flavorful and low in calories. But, onions can also aid in weight loss. They are a source of a nutrient called chromium. Chromium is said to improve insulin and maintain stable blood sugar. So, onions help stop blood sugar crashes and the resulting case of the munchies.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


How the liver gets affected.

The organic deteriorations caused by the continued use of alcohol are often of a fatal character. The organ
which most frequently undergoes structural changes from alcohol, is the liver. Normally, the liver has the capacity to hold active substances in its cellular parts. In instances of poisoning by various poisonous compounds, we analyse liver as if it were the central depot of the foreign matter. It is practically the same in respect to alcohol. The liver of an alcoholic is never free from the influence of alcohol and it is too often saturated with it. The minute membranous or capsular structure of the liver gets affected, preventing proper dialysis and free secretion. The liver becomes large due to the dilatation of its vessels, the surcharge of fluid matter and the thickening of tissue. This follows contraction of membrane and shrinking of the whole  organ in its cellular parts. Then the lower parts of the alcoholic becomes dropsical owing to the obstruction offered to the returning blood by the veins. The structure of the liver may be charged with fatty cells and undergo what is technically designated 'fatty liver'.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Fat Burning Secrets -SECRET #1: EAT FAT BURNING FOODS - Part 2

Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruit hikes up the metabolism while supplying a big dose of vitamin C, a chemical used in the process of fat burning. Citrus fruits are ranked as the best fat burning foods you can eat. Oranges, grapefruit, apples and even tomatoes share these fat burning qualities. With the large variety, mix several varieties to for different flavors and taste. Citrus fruit effectively burns fat around the hips and waist.

An apple a day keeps the fat away. Apples contain a substance called pectin that restricts the cells from absorbing fat and assists water absorption from food. This also helps push fat deposits from the body. The antioxidants in apples may also reduce excess belly fat from metabolic syndrome. Apples have a high level of soluble fiber that helps you control hunger pain.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


The nails are present at the end of each finger tip on the dorsal surface.The main function of nail is protection
and it also helps for a firm grip for holding articles.It consists of a strong relatively flexible keratinous nail plate originating from the nail matrix. Under the nail plate there is a soft tissue called nail bed.Between the skin and nail plate there is a nail fold or cuticle.Normal healthy nail is slight pink in color and the surface is convex from side to side.Finger nails grow 1 cm in three months and toe nails take 24 months for the same.

Importance of nails in disease diagnosis:

The color ,appearance,shape and nature of the nails give some information about the general health and hygiene of a person . Nails are examined as a routine by all doctors to get some clues about underlying diseases.Just looking at nails we can make out the hygiene of a person.The abnormal nail may be congenital or due to some diseases.The cause for changes in the nail extend from simple reasons to life threatening diseases.Hence the examination by a doctor is essential for diagnosis .Some abnormal findings with probable causes are discussed here for general awareness.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

How Back Pain Starts

When considering back pain we must concern ourselves with its variants. For instance, back pain can start
with slip disks, which in medical terms is called “Herniated nucleus pulposa.” (HNP) Doctors define slip disks as ruptures of the “intervertebral disk.” The intervertebral rests between the vertebrae (Spinal Column) of the backbone.

The interruption has variants, including the “Lumbrosacral,” (L4 and L5) as well as cervical C5-7. The cervical is at the neck and belongs to other parts of the back and neck as well. When doctors consider slip disks they often look through etiology, which includes neck and back strains, trauma, congenital/inborn bone malformation, heavy lifting, degenerated disks, and/or weakness of ligaments.

