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Thursday, September 24, 2020

How The Right Vitamins Keep Your Teeth Healthy

A sweet tooth is likely to be full of fillings. This is one point in the relationship of diet to oral beauty on which
researchers generally agree.

Beyond that, except for admission that minerals and vitamins are essential to sound teeth, there is wide difference of opinion on the proper feeding and care of bicuspids.

A few significant diet factors, however, give promise of persuading your molars to linger longer in their sockets.

As an adult you are probably beyond the stage where vitamins make much difference to your teeth. True, if you develop scurvy from lack of Vitamin C your teeth will drop out, but that is largely because of breakdown of surrounding tissue. Matters arc different with children. Young animals deprived of Vitamin A grow teeth without any covering of enamel. Dental enamel is the hardest substance in your body and when it isn't present in teeth, soon the teeth aren't present either. Shortages of Vitamin A in childhood can cause teeth to develop with thin, broken, or misshapen enamel coats that pave the way for early decay.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fat Burning Secrets - SECRET #1: EAT FAT BURNING FOODS

All foods can cause fat creation, but certain foods actually help burn fat. Some foods have minerals or vitamins that raise metabolism and act as virtual fat burners. There are negative calorie foods with low calories that burn extra calories during digestion. Other foods, even eaten in small quantities, deliver a feeling of fullness with very little calories. Sticking to the right whole foods will drastically reduce the fat profile of your body.
By eating these fat burning foods at the right time, in the correct amount, the body fat profile starts to reduce. Add in foods that lower the likelihood of fat depositing in your body for an extra boost. Here is a list of everyday foods that double as secret fat burners.

Poultry such as chicken has special assets that increase the body’s metabolic rate, helping you melt extra fat away. Chicken is low in fat and carbohydrates with a good protein profile. Proteins require a lot of energy to digest, and more energy for proteins to be stored as fat. It is also a great source of iron, zinc, and niacin. For best results, remove the skin from poultry before eating to avoid excess fat.

Salmon & Tuna
Salmon and tuna are good sources of protein that provides the body with healthy fats from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Both meaty fish, while satisfying, are also low in calories and unhealthy saturated fat. Eating salmon positively effects leptin, the hormone responsible for burning and storing calories. High leptin levels cause the body to store fat. Salmon and tuna reduce leptin, giving your metabolism the boost it needs to burn calories.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Nutrition Guidelines for a Healthy Pregnancy Share This

In order to ensure all pregnant women know what is needed to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby, in terms of nutrition, there have been some excellent pregnancy nutrition guidelines established. When you are pregnant, you only need an additional 300 calories per day. You should make sure that these are not empty calories, and that they are in fact nutritious calories. Let’s have a look at some of those guidelines.

During the time you are pregnant, for your baby to grow healthy; you need to have approx. 60 grams of protein on a daily basis. Protein keeps your uterus, breasts, and placenta healthy, it produces adequate amniotic fluid and it increases the volume of blood.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

5 Key Principles to Pregnancy Nutrition - Pls, Share this

5 Key Principles to Pregnancy Nutrition

If you already eat a healthy diet, there may only be small adjustments you need to make to your diet to ensure you are eating right for the next night months. These five key principles will ensure that you remain fit and healthy, and that baby gets all the nutrients he or she needs to grow to be strong and healthy.

#1 Drink Plenty of Water
For a healthy pregnancy, it is critical that you drink enough water, as it will help to flush the toxins from your body and fight water retention. Water will also help with constipation and headaches associated with pregnancy.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


            Psychological and emotional stress among mothers may trickle down to their kids and increase their children’s risk of having diabetes. Mothers who experienced a stressful event such as divorce, domestic violence, mental tension and work pressure have an increased risk of developing diabetes. Parents who are often stressed out or are having problems is the number one stressor among children. Without the parent’s knowledge, children may get stressed, raising level of cortisol-also called the “stress hormone”.

  Cortisol is found adjacent to the kidneys and is released in response to either physical or psychological stress. It breaks down muscle protein into its component amino acid which then circulates the bloodstream. These amino acids are used by the liver in the manufacture of glucose for energy increasing blood sugar level and at the same time lowering the use of glucose as fuel. The excess and deficiency of cortisol in the body may trigger some system disorders such as autoimmunity damaging the insulin-producing beta cells thus resulting in insulin deficiency.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Tips for Starting a Healthy Lifestyle!

Facts About Nutrition Labels

The nutrition label located on each and every food item,
will tell you all the information about that food.  For
some however, this information isn't exactly that reader
friendly.  Fear not, as it's actually easier than you

Serving Size
This size is based on the amount people eat. Similar
food items will have similar serving sizes, thus making
it easier to compare 2 foods of the same category.

% Daily Value
This indicates how food will fit in a 2,000 calorie
diet.  This will help you to understand if the food
has a lot, or just a little of the important nutrients.

