Why Vitamins Are So Good For You
Not long ago an astonishing pair of
full-page advertisements appeared in leading newspapers of the country. The
advertisers were two of our most popular, huge-circulation magazines.
Both ads were headed by amazing statements.
One proclaimed that "You can't photograph a vitamin," and drew the
analogy that you couldn't photograph the intangible virtues of the magazine
either. The other declared that "Nobody has ever seen a vitamin" and
that neither could anyone see the vitamins of editorial quality that made the
magazine distinctive.
What's wrong with these statements? Merely
the fact that vitamins can be seen and photographed as easily as you take a
snapshot of the baby. You can hold pure crystalline vitamins in your hand, taste
them, study them just as you can ordinary table salt.
If advertisements costing thousands of
dollars, carefully checked by dozens of high-salaried executives, can be so far
wrong about vitamins, it is high time that the
mystery be cleared away just as it has been
in the laboratories.